Posted in News on April 15th, 2010 by Andrew – Be the first to comment
There’s a great review of the Rooms album in the April 2010 issue of SLUG Magazine. You can read it at:
Posted in News on April 13th, 2010 by Andrew – Be the first to comment
We got another review! This one is in Aiding & Abetting:
(You’ll have to scroll down a bit)
Posted in News on April 7th, 2010 by Andrew – Be the first to comment
Posted in News on March 22nd, 2010 by Andrew – Be the first to comment
Come out for the first Rooms show of Spring!
It’s a hot lineup with high-energy Indianapolis shoegaze revivalists Yuki and a band I’ve never heard of called Glowfriends that I’m sure is also great. They’re from Kalamazoo, Michigan!
The show starts around 10pm and is probably around 5 bucks.
Locals Only is located at 2449 E. 56th St. in Indianapolis, and it’s a bar so you have to be 21 to get in.
Hope to see you there!
Posted in News on December 4th, 2009 by Andrew – Be the first to comment
We’re closing out the 2009 show calendar with an action-packed bill at our favorite smoky dive, The Melody Inn.
The show is Friday December 18th at 9ish, and I believe we play first. Also performing are the incredible Everything, Now!, Red Queen Hypothesis, and Lollipop Factory from Columbus, Ohio.
It will be a fun night of catchy tunes and tasty beverages.
Check out the awesome flier:

Super hot show at The Melody Inn December 18th, 2009
Posted in News on November 11th, 2009 by Ben – Be the first to comment
i think maybe it was Incest Fest (13 bands, all connected, all at one show) about 5 years ago, when fevers played then a few bands later didache played… but that was at my house and well… its not the same.
Rooms was tagged to play this a while ago, but in needing an opener for a show always brings up the question, “why dont we get your other band to play too?” well, because no one ever thinks i can play two blazing sets in one night. well thats just horse hockey. i can have sex and then play a show, so how hard could doing two sets be? it wont be.
both bands are super fun to play in and as long as i can keep my head clear and my muscles warm it shouldnt be a problem. the show is free, there will be some good beer there (locals always has something delicious on tap), and you get to see how many beats i jack from each band im in.

Posted in News on October 7th, 2009 by Ben – Be the first to comment
thanks to lazy complaints, Rooms and some good friends & family will be rocking it all ages at the Dojo on E 10th st., right next to the Emerson theatre.
diy style, the same way we all got started playing.
if there is one show the over21ers should go to its this one, and if you under-agers want to know what you’re missing at the non-metal shows, you should show up and have fun, not mosh, and buy some cds that may just flip your script.
Vessel are an expansive and melodic band from the true NYC and sound like an urban landscape you see while listening to music on headphones with the Deftones in the left ear and Mogwai in the right.
The United Sons of Toil are the kind of slightly minimalist garagey punk that shows that the power of good riffage can cause ones mind to expand as well as their political beliefs.
its an early show so get there on time or just dont fucking show up at all

rare all ages shows are chosen on the strength of the bill = this will rule the school
Posted in News on September 21st, 2009 by Andrew – Be the first to comment
Now you can download the Rooms album from the iTunes Music Store. Check it out at the link below:
Rooms on iTunes
Posted in News on September 16th, 2009 by Andrew – Be the first to comment
It took a while, but you can finally buy the Rooms album online! It can’t get much more convenient than that!
Just go here:
Rooms on CD Baby
It should be added to iTunes, Amazon MP3, etc. soon.
Posted in News on August 7th, 2009 by Ben – Be the first to comment
if you cant make it to our shows or just dont like us that much but still like the music, feel free to stop by our favorite record shops. due to scheduling we only got the chance to get disks to north side locations. all of these stores are within a mile of each other, so if one doesnt have the cd, dont get mad, just go to another store! leave the getting mad to us!
support local music and local business at the same time!
INDY CD & VINYL (check out their local featured band! hehehe…)
VIBES (the annex is now the home + guitar repair!)
LUNA (broad ripple location only, for now)